stage presence

There is an art to bodybuilding. Working your hardest in the gym and keeping an ultra-strict diet in order to sculpt your physique to show your greatest potential is no mean feat. Attending a lot of bodybuilding competitions over the years and watching hundreds if not thousands of posing routines has been mostly a pleasure, but a little frustrating at times in the sense that not many competitors put the time and effort in to displaying their physiques to the very best of their ability as is required by the judges and the fans that pay to see them.
I offer a keen eye to those who want to look their best onstage. I'll analyse your physique and show you how to hold yourself correctly, which poses suit you the best, how to strike your poses for maximum effect, and help you to put together a very presentable, polished and entertaining posing routine that best suits your physique and your character. All of the finishing touches will be covered such as tanning, grooming, posing trunks etc. It is all part of your presentation.
No matter how good your physique is, knowing how to present it onstage under the lights in front of a panel of judges and a paying audience will set you apart from the majority of your competitors.
If you'd like to have a chat about getting some posing tuition, wether its your first time competing or you a seasoned competitor that wants to improve your posing style, give me a shout and I'll get right back to you.